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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wax that moustache !!!!

Ladies if you have facial hair, do not be afraid to wax. It is only mildly painful and it really does make your face look smoother, your makeup more natural and it helps keep acne down. Infected hair follicles can contribute to acne problems. Do not worry it is not like shaving it WILL NOT grow back thicker, as a matter of fact it will come in less and the hair gets finer the more you do it. So if you have facial hair get it waxed. You can buy the kind at the drug store although I do recommend the kit with strips and not the sugar stuff get real wax or you will be torturing yourself especially if you have thick, course hair. You can also have it waxed at a salon, it is usually pretty inexpensive and you don't have to do it yourself. having legs, bikini and armpits waxed is not a bad idea either, it reduces razor bumps and in grown hairs, which are not attractive on a bikini line. I'm not going to lie though that part hurts a bit, but it is worth it when you put that bathing suit on and don't have to worry cause you forgot to shave or you did shave and now you have bumps. So go make an appt summer is on the way.

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